
Booth | Organization | Contact | Title | Phone | Website | |
1 | Domtec International | Benjamin Davis | Vice President Business Development | 208-522-5520 | bdavis@domtec.com | https://www.domtec.com/ |
2 | Envirocon | Tammy DeRamo | Technical Director | 303-215-0187 | tderamo@Envirocon.com | https://www.envirocon.com/ |
3 | Kansas City Fly Ash | David Rylance | Sales and Operations Manager | 816-812-8316 | Drylance@kcflyash.com | https://www.kcflyash.com/ |
4 | ATARFIL | Tamara Jurado Carrasco | Senior Sales Manager, USA & Canada | 757-263-4057 | tjurado@atarfil.com | https://www.atarfil.com |
5 | Cascade Drilling | Jim McCombs | Key Accounts Manager | 710-373-3970 | JMcCombs@cascade-env.com | https://www.cascade-env.com |
6 | DeWind On Pass Trenching LLC | Steve McCullick | CFO and Manager | 616-875-7580 | steve@dewindonepass.com | www.dewindonepass.com |
7 | Survey Equipment Services | Alan Craig | President/CEO | 281-829-6481 | acraig@ses-services.com | www.ses-services.com |
8 | Atlantic Lining Co. | Tim Rafter | Vice President | 609-723-2400 Ext. 302 | Timr@alcoincusa.com | www.atlanticlining.com |
9 | Hull & Associates | John Szymanski | Director of Marketing | 314-793-8111 | jszymanski@hullinc.com | www.hullinc.com |
10 | Geosyntec Consultants | John Seymour | Senior Principal | 561-922-1047 | jseymour@geosyntec.com | https://www.geosyntec.com/ |
11/12 | Stantec Consultings | Don Fuller | Vice President, CCR Program Manager | 859-619-8960 | Don.fuller@stantec.com | https://www.stantec.com/ |
13 | CDG Engineers | Shane Jones | Business Development Manager | 314-781-7770 | Sjones@cdgengineers.com | https://www.cdgengineers.com/ |
14 | Geotechnology, Inc. | Rich Pershall | Vice President, Business Development | 314-997-7440 | rpershall@geotechnology.com | https://www.geotechnology.com |
15 | Conetec | Bruce Miller | Director of Business Development, Northeast | 609-364-1217 | bmiller@conetec.com | http://www.conetec.com |
16 | SCS Engineers | Eric Nelson | Senior Project Manager | 563-940-0538 | enelson@scsengineers.com | www.scsengineers.com |
17 | Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. | Nick Tomkins | Business Development | 716-284-0431
ext 133 |
ntomkins@sevenson.com | www.sevenson.com |
18 | Saiia Construction Company | Kenneth Madison | Vice President Business Development | 205-943-2209 | kmadison@saiia.com | http://www.accbuilt.com/ |
19 | Terrafix Geosynthetics | Althea Alegre | Marketing Coordinator | 416-674-0363 | aalegre@terrafixgeo.com | www.terrafixgeo.com |
20 | RPM Solutions | Lynn Williams | Senior Vice President | 678-579-6459 | lynn@rpmsolve.com | www.RPMSOLVE.com |
21 | GAI Consultants | Kent Cockley | Assistant Vice President | 412-399-5418 | k.cockley@gaiconsultants.com | www.gaiconsultants.com |
22 | International Lining Technology | Sean Gill | Project Manager | 775-284-2929 | sean@intlining.com | www.intlining.com |
23 | DustMASTER Enviro Systems | Scott Adams | Product Manager | 262-893-5788 | scotta@dustmaster.com | www.dustmaster.com |
24 | Hanson | Daniel Whalen | Senior Vice President, Power Market Principal | 217-747-9315 | dwhalen@hanson-inc.com | www.hanson-inc.com |
25 | Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. | Anthony Amicon | Vice President | 513-483-3511 | tamicon@cecinc.com | www.cecinc.com/ |
26 | GWTT, LLC | Robert Kunzel | Chief Program Officer | 973-476-8293 | rkunzel@gwttllc.com | https://www.gwttllc.com |
27 | Cooper Barnette Page, Inc. | Mark Allen | President | 770-725-4100 | mark.allen@cbpinc-ga.com | www.cooperbarnettepage.com/ |
28 | GREDELL Engineering Resources, Inc. | Thomas Gredell | President | 573-659-9078 | tomg@ger-inc.biz | www.ger-inc.biz |
29 | Rain for Rent | Jeff Cline | Director of Strategic Accounts | 251-379-7559 | jcline@rainforrent.com | https://www.rainforrent.com/ |
30 | TenCate Geosynthethics America | Santino Piccoli | Engineering Business Manager, Great Lakes Region | 706-693-2226 | spec@tencategeo.com | https://www.tencategeo.us/en-us/ |
31 | Texel | Gordon Swain | Sales Representative | 603-349-2208 | gswain@lydall.com | www.texel.ca |
32/52 | Chesapeake Containment Systems, Inc. | Ryan Kamp | President | 704-208-3444 | rkamp@ccsliners.com | www.ccsliners.com |
33 | Scott Equipment Company | Paul Machacek | Market Development Manager, Drying Products | 952-758-0956 | paul.machacek@scottequipment.com | www.scottequipment.com |
34 | AsianCAA | David Harris | Chairman | 952-758-0956 | d.harris@asiancoalash.org | www.asiancoalash.org |
35 | Jaycee Buildcorp, LLP | Rishit Dalal | Director, Projects & International Business | 91 99200 3902 | rishit.dalal@jaycee.in | www.jaycee.in/ |
36 | Tetra Tech | Don Grahlherr | Vice President, National CCR Practice | 314-306-6097 | don.grahlherr@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com |
37/38 | Trans-Ash, Inc. | Bruce Kazich | National Sales Manager | 513-733-4770 | bkazich@transash.com | www.transash.com |
39/40 | R.B. Jergens | Catie Halberstadt | Procurement Manager | 937-489-6525 | catie.halberstadt@rbjergens.com | www.rbjergens.com |
41 | WL Port-Land Systems, Inc. | Rich Pongratz | Director of Business Development | 412-344-1408 | rpongratz@wlport-land.com | www.wlport-land.com |
42 | GEOTECHNICS, INC | Randy O’Rourke | President | 412-823-7600 | rorourke@geotechnics.net | www.geotechnics.net |
43 | Thompson Pump | John Farrell | Vice President of Sales and Marketing | 386-944-4145 | farrell@thompsonpump.com | www.thompsonpump.com |
44 | Marietta Silos | Dennis Blauser | CEO | 740-373-2822 | dennis@mariettasilos.com | www.mariettasilos.com |
45 | Pickett Industries | Todd Hollenshead | Project Manager | 318-564-3729 | thollenshead@pickettindustries.com | www.pickettindustries.com |
46 | Environmental Specialties International, Inc. | Carolyn Johnson | National Sales Manager | 225.291.2700 | cjohnson@esiliners.com | www.esiliners.com |
47 | DCL | Kyle Smith | Sales Manager | 231-547-5600 Ext. 3124 | ksmith@DCLinc.com | www.dclinc.com |
48 | Directed Technologies Drilling | David Bardsleyr | Vice President | 713-545-1859 | David@horizontaldrill.com | www.horizontaldrill.com |
49 | ATC Group Services | Cindy Taylor | Director, Client Services | 513-383-0553 | Cindy.taylor@actgs.com | www.atcgroupservices.com |
50 | Redox Solutions | Charles McPheeters | Remediation Director | 317-660-6872 | cmcpheeters@redoxsolutions.com | www.redoxsolutions.com |
51 | Titan Environmental USA | Greg Scales | Regional Sales Manager | 828-551-0795 | greg.scales@titanenviro.com | www.titanenviro.com |
53 | TRC Solutions | Mark Johnson | Senior Client Service Manager | 850-916-0506 | mjohnson@trcsolutions.com | www.trcsolutions.com |
54/62 | Boral Resources | Steve Benza | Vice President, Business Development | 610-349-8188 | Sbenza@boral.com | http://www.boralamerica.com/fly-ash |
55 | Geocycle | Matt Brownlee | Director of Alternative Raw Materials and Power Plant Services | 843-701-6289 | Matt.Brownlee@geocycle.com | http://www.Geocycle.com |
56 | Solmax | Mathieu Cornellier | Vice President Technical Services & Business Development | 450-929 1234 Ext 244 | mcornellier@solmax.com | http://www.solmax.com/ |
57/58 | Wood | Brad Mizell | Clean Energy Sector Leader | 770-715-9771 | brad.mizell@amecfw.com | www.woodplc.com |
59 | Global Containment Solutions | Jim Manno | Vice President | 814-594-1309 | j.manno@globalcontainmentsolutions.com | http://www.globalcontainmentsolutions.com/ |
60 | Geocomp | Aaron Epstein | Southeast Regional Manager | 770-217-5393 | aepstein@geocomp.com | www.geocomp.com |
61/75 | Phillip & Jordan, Inc | Max Morton | Senior Vice President | 865-3929-3001 | mmorton@pandj.com | www.pandj.com |
63 | Griffin Dewatering | John Clemmer | Business Development Manager | 919-414-1902 | John.Clemmer@griffindewatering.com | www.griffindewatering.com |
64 | AECOM | Mark Rokoff | Vice President, Environment Market Sector Director, Power | 216-622-2429 | mark.rokoff@aecom.com | www.aecom.com |
65 | Babcock Power Environmental / GSI | Jennifer Pasquariello | Director of Marketing | 864-949-2917 | jpasquariello@babcockpower.com | www.babcockpower.com |
66 | J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. | Andrew Timmis | Director of Business Development, Environmental Group | 608-519-5350 | atimmis@jfbrennan.com | www.jfbrennan.com |
67 | RJ Smith | Brian Zickafoose | Manager | 804-714-3450 | brianzickafoose@rjsmithmaterials.com | www.rbjergens.com |
68 | Charah Solutions | Nathan Boone | Sr, VP Business Development | 502-245-1353 | nboone@charah.com | www.charah.com |
69 | Republic Services, Inc. | Alex Papp | Senior Manager National Accounts | 803-396-3416 | apapp2@republicservices.com | www.republicservices.com |
70 | Key Environmental, Inc. | Karl Churman | Business Development Specialist | 412-428-9408 | kchurman@keyenvir.com | http://keyenvir.com/ |
71/72 | Xylem Dewatering Solutions | Dave Donahue | Outside Sales Representative | 919-661-6061 | Dave.donahue@xyleminc.com | www.xylem.com |
73 | Infrastructure Alternatives, Inc. | Michelle Rioux | Business Development Manager | 616-866-1600 ext. 36 | mrioux@iaiwater.com | https://iaiwater.com |
74 | Beneficiate: North America | Keith Day | President | 607-372-4797 | keith@BNAmerica.com | www.bnamerica.com |
76 | Profile Products | Adam Dibble | Senior Marketing & Erosion Control Brand Manager | 847-353-2147 | adibble@profileproducts.com | www.profileevs.com |
77 / 78 | SEFA | Bill Fedorka | Executive Director | 803-520-9000 | bfedorka@sefagroup.com | www.sefagroup.com |
79 | Watershed Geosynthetics | Paul O’Malley | Vice President, Sales | 770-777-0386 | pomalley@watershedgeo.com | www.watershedgeo.com |
80 | AGRU America, Inc. | Chris Eichelberger | Vice President – Technical Marketing | 843-546-0600 | ceichelberger@agruamerica.com | www.agruamerica.com |
81 | CQA Solutions, Ltd. | Glen Toepfer | President | 419-460-0845 | gwtoepfer@cqasolutions.co | www.cqasolutions.co |
82 | S+ME, Inc | Kathleen Chambers | Marketing Director | 704-523-4726 | kchambers@smeinc.com | www.smeinc.com |
83 | Geo-Solutions, Inc | Darin Payne | Vice President & Regional Manager | 727-914-7774 | dpayne@geo-solutions.com | www.geo-solutions.com |
84 | Arcadis | Rick Kenter, DPG | Vice President | 513-985-8034 | Rick.Kenter@arcadis.com | https://www.arcadis.com/en/united-states/ |
85 | Waste Connections | Joe Laubenstein | Director of CCR Management | 832.442.2127 | JoeLa@WasteConnections.com | https://www.wasteconnections.com/ |
86 | Axter Coletanche | Natalie Daly | Business Manager – Eastern North America | 514-515-1912 | administration@axtercoltanche.com | www.coletanche.com/ |
87 | Environmental Protection, Inc | Jon Jensen | Sales Representative | 231-642-5789 | jon@geomembrane.com | www.geomembrane.com |
88 | Barnard Construction | Gavin Tasker | Business Development Manager | 406-586-1995 | gavin.tasker@barnard-inc.com | www.barnard-inc.com |
89 | Hayward Baker | Tony Sak | Senior Engineer | 770-442-1801 | asak@haywardbaker.com | https://www.haywardbaker.com/markets/power/power-generation |
90 | Moretrench | Neil Hancock | Business Development Manager | (904) 607-6054 | nhancock@moretrench.com | https://www.moretrench.com/services/dewatering/ash-pond-services/ |
91 | Del Tank & Filtration Systems | Dan Baker | Sales Manager | 859-509-2657 | dan@deltank.com | www.deltank.com |
92 | CETCO | Dave Chiet | North American Sales Director, Environmental Products | 847-851-1822 | dave.chiet@mineralstech.com | www.cetco.com |
93 | Leister Technologies | Allen Bullock | GEO North America Sales Manager | 630-361-9023 | allen.bullock@leister.com | https://www.leister.com/en/plastic-welding/civil-engineering |
94 | Remedial Construction Services, L.P. | Steve Christopherson | CCR Business Unit Leader | 281-955-2442 | steve.christopherson@reconservices.com | www.reconservices.com |
95 | Golder Associates | Manitia Moultrie | US Power Sector Leader | 813-287-1717 | manitia_moultrie@golder.com | www.golder.com |
96 | Hallaton Environmental Linings | Todd Harman | President | 410-583-7700 | tharman@hallaton.com | www.hallaton.com |
97 | Synthetics, LLC | Jeff Fiske | Sales Manager, North America | 770-399-5051 | Fiskej.oo1@gmail.com | www.synthetex.com |
98 | Ingios Geotechnics, Inc | Pavana Vennapusa | Lead Engineer | 877-325-6278 | pavana.vennapusa@ingios.com | www.ingios.com |
99 | ISCO – Total Piping Solutions | Mark Spelder | Director of Sales, Industrial, OEM, & Marine | 248-705-5721 | mark.spelder@isco-pipe.com | www.isco-pipe.com |
100 | Brad Cole Construction | Ron Cryer | President and General Manager | 770-834-4681 | ron@bradcoleconstruction.com | www.bradcoleconstruction.com |
101 | Mintek Resources | Brian Walker | Director of Environmental & Strategic Accounts | 937-558-6991 | Brian@mintekresources.com | http://www.mintekresources.com/ |
102 | Geo-Products | Keith Gregory | Director of Sales | 281-820-5493 | kgregory@geoproducts.org | http://www.geoproducts.org/ |
103 | Willowstick | Ryan Blanchard | Vice President of Business Development | 801-984-9870 | rblanchard@willowstick.com | www.willowstick.com |
104 | Fisher Contracting Company | Mark Edlebeck | General Manager | 989-488-8038 | medlebeck@thefisher.co | www.fisher-contracting.com |
105 | Burns & McDonnell | Wayne Weber | Department Manager | 314-682-1570 | waweber@burnsmcd.com | www.burnsmcd.com/ |
106 | Victaulic | Chris J. Iasielo P.E. | Business Development | 630-863-4973 | Chris.Iasielo@victaulic.com | https://www.victaulic.com/ |
107 | Frontier Water System | Tom Pickett | Co-Founder/CTO | 619-326-9999 | info@frontierwater.com | http://frontierwater.com/ |
108 | Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC | Michelle Spruth | CCR Lead Environmental Engineer | 630-368-3075 | Michelle.Spruth@foth.com | www.foth.com/ |
Craig Gocker | Client Team Leader | 309-683-1682 | Greg.Gocker@foth.com | www.foth.com/ | ||
109 | Owens Corning | Andy Durham | Geosynthetics Sales Leader, Americas | 740-321-6133 | andy.durham@owenscorning.com | www.owenscorning.com |
110 | Geokon, Inc. | Joelle Lang | Sales Associate | 603-448-1562 | jlang@geokon.com | www.geokon.com |
111 | United Conveyor Corporation | Dawn Williams | Manager, Marketing & Communications | 847-672-1354 | DawnWilliams@unitedconveyor.com | www.unitedconveyor.com/ |
112 | Thalle Construction Company | Larry Fantozzi, PE | Executive Vice President | 336-516-2435 | lfantozzi@thalle.com | www.tullygroup.us/ |
113/114 | Waste Management | Dale Davis | Director, National Accounts | 404-803-8479 | ddavis14@wm.com | www.wm.com |