
Exhibitor Directory
Booth | Organization | Contact | Title | Website | |
78 | AECOM | Gabe Lang | Vice President/Program Manager | gabe.lang@aecom.com | https://aecom.com/services/environmental-services/ |
8 | Agru America | Don DiGuilio | Technical Marketing Manager | ddiguilio@agruamerica.com | https://agruamerica.com/ |
33 | Allu Inc. | Chris Neilson | Major Accounts Manager | chrisn@allu.net | https://www.allu.net/type/allu-major-projects/ |
96 | APTIM | Tammy DeRamo | Director Remedial Construction Decommissioning | Tammy.DeRamo@aptim.com | https://www.aptim.com/?utm_source=web&utm_medium=logo&utm_campaign=WOCA_2022 |
105 | AquaBlok | ||||
63 | Arcadis | Rick Kenter | Vice President | rick.kenter@arcadis.com | https://www.arcadis.com/en |
111 | Armorform | Kyle Worrell | Vice President | kworrell@armorform.com | www.armorform.com |
21 | ASHCOR | Keith Bargaheiser | National Sales Manager | Keith.Bargaheiser@atco.com | https://ashcor.atco.com |
71 | Atarfil | Luis Burgos | lburgos@atarfil.com | https://www.atarfil.com/en/ | |
10 | Atlantic Lining Co., Inc. | Timothy Rafter | Vice President | timr@alcoincusa.com | https://atlanticliningcompany.com/ |
64 | Atlas Technical Consultants | Sendhil Kumar | Senior Civil-Environmental Engineer | sendhil.kumar@oneatlas.com | https://www.oneatlas.com/ |
13 | Axter Coletanche | Natalie Daly | Managing Director – Eastern North America | ndaly@axtercoletanche.com | http://www.coletanche.com/ |
65 | Barnard Construction | Gavin Tasker | Business Development Manager – Heavy Civil Projects | gavin.tasker@barnard-inc.com | http://www.barnard-inc.com/ |
116 | Beumer Corporation | Jackie Sessler | Marketing Director | jackie.sessler@beumer.com | https://www.beumergroup.com/i/mining-minerals/ |
109 | Blue Tank and Pump Rental | https://bluetankandpump.com/ | |||
84 | CBP Environmental | Mark Allen | President | mark.allen@cbpinc-ga.com | https://www.cbpenvironmental.com/ |
108 | CDG Engineers | Shane Jones | SJones@cdgengineers.com | www.cdgengineers.com | |
54 | CETCO | www.cetco.com | |||
52 | Charah Solutions, Inc. | Glenn Amey | Project Manager | gamey@charah.com | https://charah.com/ |
92,93 | Chesapeake Containment Solutions | Ryan Kamp | President | rkamp@ccsliners.com | https://ccsliners.com/ |
110 | Concrete Canvas, USA | Melanie Fuhrman | melanie.fuhrman@concretecanvas.com | www.concretecanvas.us | |
18 | Consulting Services Incorporated | Shayne Brashear | Principal | sbrashear@csikentucky.com | https://www.csikentucky.com/ |
79 | CQA Solutions | Holly Smith | Accounting | acctg@cqasolutions.co | www.cqasolutions.co |
99 | DCL Inc | Dave Bergenstock | Director of Business Development | dbergenstock@dclinc.com | www.dclinc.com |
30 | DeWind One Pass Trenching LLC | Steve McCullick | CFO and Manager | steve@dewindonepass.com | http://www.dewindonepasstrenching.com/ |
6,7 | Domtec International | Zac Fillmore | Director of Design Build | zfillmore@domtec.com | https://www.domtec.com/ |
62 | DustMaster | Scott Adams | Product Manager | scotta@dustmaster.com | https://www.dustmaster.com |
48,49 | Eco Material Technologies Inc. | Steve Benza | Vice President, Business Development | sbenza@ecomaterial.com | https://ecomaterial.com/ |
29 | Ellicott Dredge Technologies | Ryan Horton | Vice President | rhorton@imsdredge.com | www.imsdredge.com |
56 | Ellingson – DTD | Jacob Gallagher | jgallagher@ellingsoncompanies.com | www.horizontaldrill.com | |
53 | Environmental Specialties International, Inc | Carolyn Johnson | Southeast Regional Business Development Manager | cjohnson@esiliners.com | https://esiliners.com/ |
27 | EPI-The Liner Company | Josh Schlosser | josh@geomembrane.com | https://www.geomembrane.com/ | |
20 | E-Tank | James Busch | david.bardsley@griffindewatering.com | http://www.etank.net/ | |
35 | Forgen | Paul Lear | https://forgen.com/ | ||
55 | GAI Consultants | Kent Cockley | Assistant Vice President | k.cockley@gaiconsultants.com | https://gaiconsultants.com/ |
16 | Geocomp Corporation | Aaron Epstein | Southeast Regional Manager | aepstein@geocomp.com | www.geocomp.com |
72 | Geo-Instruments | Kenny Campbell | Director of Business Development | kenneth.campbell@geo-instruments.com | https://www.geo-instruments.com/ |
103 | Geokon | Greg Dutson | Regional Sales Engineer | gdutson@geokon.com | www.geokon.com |
75 | Geo-Solutions | Steve Artman | Regional Manager | sartman@geo-solutions.com | https://www.geo-solutions.com/ |
17 | Geosyntec Consultants | John Seymour | Senior Principal | jseymour@geosyntec.com | https://www.geosyntec.com/ |
11 | Geotechnics | Michael Smith | Vice President | msmith@geotechnics.net | https://www.geotechnics.net/ |
5 | Global Containment Solutions | Jim Manno | Vice President | j.manno@globalcontainmentsolutions.com | https://www.globalcontainmentsolutions.com/ |
85 | Griffin Dewatering, LLC | David Bardsley | Director of Business Development | david.bardsley@griffindewatering.com | https://griffindewatering.com/ |
89 | GSI – Babcock Power | Allen Bullock | Director Geotextile Tubes | abullock@gsibp.com | https://www.geo-synthetics.com/ |
77 | Hallaton Environmental Linings | Courtney McGee | Sales Representative | cmcgee@hallaton.com | https://hallaton.com/ |
14 | Hanson | CJ Saladino | Vice President Business Development – Power | CSaladino@hanson-inc.com | www.hanson-inc.com |
32 | Hoganas Environment Solutions | Andrew Vincent | Sales Manager – East | andrew.vincent@hoganas.com | https://www.hoganas.com/en/powder-technologies/water-treatment/ |
106 | Industrial Fabrics, Inc. | Marsha Ardoin | Marketing Coordinator | mardoin@ind-fab.com | www.ind-fab.com |
90 | Infrastructure Alternatives, Inc. | Amber Wilson | Marketing Manager | awilson@iaiwater.com | https://iaiwater.com/ |
38 | Ingios Geotechnics, Inc. | Bruce Cunningham | Project Engineer | bruce.cunningham@ingios.com | https://www.ingios.com/ |
51 | International Lining Technology | Sean Gill | Project Manager | sean@intlining.com | www.intlining.com |
31 | ISCO Industries Inc. | Mark Spelder | Director of Sales | mark.spelder@isco-pipe.com | https://isco-pipe.com/ |
88 | JF Brennan | Andrew Timmis | Business Development Manager | atimmis@jfbrennan.com | https://www.jfbrennan.com/ |
73 | Keller | Neil Hancock | CCR Services Manager | nhancock@keller-na.com | www.keller-na.com |
98 | Key Environmental | Karl Churman | Business Development Specialist | kchurman@keyenvir.com | https://www.keyenvir.com/ |
91 | Keystone Drill | Tom Wardell | Regional Sales Manager | twardell@keystonedrill.com | https://www.keystonedrill.com/ |
112 | Lancaster Products | Andrew Zayatz | Sales Engineer | azayatz@lancasterproducts.com | www.lancasterproducts.com |
107 | Leister Technologies, LLC | Paul Maniscalco | Product Specialist – Geo Systems | paul.maniscalco@leister.com | https://www.leister.com/en/Solutions/Geo-Civil-Engineering |
36 | Lhoist NA | Larry Gibson | Technical Mgr, New Business Development | Larry.GIBSON@lhoist.com | https://www.lhoist.com/us_en |
117 | Louisville Dryer Co | Rich Vance | Southeast Regional Sales | rvance@louisvilledryer.com | https://louisvilledryer.com/ |
9 | Marietta Silos | www.mariettasilos.com | |||
43 | Mersino | Jim Brannigan | Sales Manager Engineering Lead | jim.brannigan@mersino.com | https://www.mersino.com/ |
60 | Mintek Resources | Brian Walker | Director of Environmental & Strategic Accounts | brian.walker@mintekresources.com | https://mintekresources.com/ |
22 | Montrose Environmental | Sean Rome | Sr. Principal | serome@montrose-env.com | https://montrose-env.com/ |
87 | Mustang Extreme | Rob Cimarolli | Business Development Manager | rcimarolli@mustangextreme.com | https://mustangextreme.com/ |
97 | Nicholas Construction Company | https://www.nicholsonconstruction.com/ | |||
101 | NorthStar I&E | Tim Furiate | President | tfuriate@northstar.com | www.northstar.com |
47,68 | Phillips and Jordan | Addie Allen | Business Development | aallen@pandj.com | https://pandj.com/ |
23 | Richard Goettle, Inc | Mike Abruzzo | mabruzzo@goettle.com | https://goettle.com/ | |
113 | Pine Enviromental | ||||
15 | Plastatech | Mark Rose | Sales Manager | mrose@plastatech.com | https://plastatech.com/ |
80 | Profile Products | Marc Thiesen | VP, Business Dvlpmt & Technical Services | mtheisen@profileproducts.com | https://www.profileproducts.com/ |
69,70 | R.B. Jergens | Kevin Harshberger | Vice President | kevin.harshberger@rbjergens.com | https://www.rbjergens.com/ |
26 | Ramboll | https://americas.ramboll.com/ | |||
100 | Raven Industries | Anthony Ahmed | Anthony.ahmed@ravenind.com | www.ravenefd.com | |
114 | Redox Solutions | Chuck McPheeters | cmcpheeters@redoxsolutions.com | www.RedoxSolutions.com | |
86 | RPM Solutions | Mike Rafter | President | mrafter@rpmsolve.com | https://www.rpmsolve.com/ |
34 | S&ME | Ben Dusina | Office Principal/Project Manager | bdusina@smeinc.com | https://www.smeinc.com/ |
28 | Saiia | Ken Madison | Vice President Business Development | Kenneth.Madison@saiia.com | http://www.saiia.com/ |
94 | Scott Equipment Co. | Paul Machacek | Market Development Manager – Drying Products | paul.machacek@scottequipment.com | https://scottequipment.com/dryers/ |
81 | SCS Engineers | Mike McLaugnlin | Senior Vice President | MMclaughlin@scsengineers.com | https://www.scsengineers.com/ |
40 | Sequoia Services | Kevin Whitehead | kevin.w@seqserv.com | https://seqserv.com/ | |
25 | Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. | Nick Tomkins | Business Development | NTomkins@sevenson.com | https://sevenson.com/ |
104 | SIREM | https://www.siremlab.com/ | |||
104 | Skaps | Rod Kirch | Business Development Manager – Geomembrane | rod.kirch@skaps.com | https://skaps.com |
61 | Solmax | Dan Trask | Value Engineer | dtrask@solmax.com | https://www.solmax.com/en |
41,42 | Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. | Charla Barnes | charla.barnes@stantec.com | https://www.stantec.com/en | |
24 | Tarmac International, Inc. | Randy Nuttall | Account and Project Manager | rnuttall@tarmacinc.com | https://www.tarmacinc.com/ |
102 | TenCate Geosynthetics | Michelle Rioux | Regional Manager – Environmental Infrastructure Group | m.rioux@tencategeo.com | https://www.tencategeo.us/en-us/ |
44 | TERRAMAC | Matt Slater | https://terramac.com/ | ||
74 | Tetra Tech | Kevin Cramer | VP, Project Support Services | kevin.cramer@tetratech.com | https://www.tetratech.com/ |
39 | Thalle Construction | Larry Fantozzi | Executive Vice President | lfantozzi@thalle.com | www.tullygroup.us |
19 | The Mouat Company | John Saucier | Vice President, Sales | john.saucier@mouat.com | www.mouat.com |
45,46 | The SEFA Group | Gregg Hendrix | Executive Vice President | ghendrix@sefagroup.com | https://www.sefagroup.com/ |
58,59 | Trans Ash | Bruce Kazich | National Sales Manager | bkazich@transash.com | https://www.transash.com/ |
76 | TRC | Sheryl Smith | National Market Director, Environmental Sector Power & Utilities | ssmith@trccompanies.com | https://www.trccompanies.com/ |
95 | TTL, Inc. | Tyler Hitt | Regional Leader – CQA Services | thitt@ttlusa.com | https://www.ttlusa.com/ |
12 | UCC Environmental | Dawn Williams | Director of Marketing & Communications | dawnwilliams@uccenvironmental.com | https://uccenvironmental.com/ |
82,83 | Waste Connections | Joe Laubenstein | Director of CCR Management | JoeLa@wasteconnections.com | https://www.wasteconnections.com/ |
3,4 | Waste Management | Dale Davis | Strategic Business Director | ddavis14@wm.com | https://www.wm.com/us/en/business/coal-combustion-by-products |
37 | Watershed Geo | Brad Cooley | Senior Vice President | bcooley@watershedgeo.com | https://watershedgeo.com/ |
57 | WL Port-land | Aaron Hawkins | Director of Business Development | ahawkins@wlport-land.com | https://www.wlport-land.com/ |
1,2 | Wood | Wendy Parker | Conference & Outreach Manager | wendy.parker@woodplc.com | https://www.woodplc.com |
50 | WSP Golder | Melrose Berry | National Events Lead | Melrose.Berry@wsp.com | https://www.wsp.com/en-US |
66,67 | Xylem | Dave Donahue | Outside Sales | dave.donahue@xyleminc.com | https://www.xylem.com/en-us |
115 | Yukon Technology | Jarrod Rice | President | jrice@yukontechnology.com | https://yukontechnology.com/ |