Connect with over 1000 potential customers and colleagues at the largest ash-related event in the world – World of Coal Ash 2026! As a sponsor, you will be able to network with attendees not only on the exhibit floor, but also while enjoying yourself at social events as well as sitting side-by-side in a technical session. Select from a variety of sponsorship opportunities to increase your exposure to WOCA attendees.
All Gold Benefits, plus:
- Four complimentary attendee registrations
- Dedicated sponsor banner at WOCA
- Advertisement in the WOCA mobile app
- Additional sponsor logo recognition at the event determined by the WOCA staff
All Palladium Benefits, plus:
- Two complimentary attendee registrations (total)
All Silver Benefits, plus:
- One complimentary attendee registration
- Full-page ad in WOCA Agenda Book (if submitted by print deadline)
All Bronze Benefits, plus:
- Half-page ad in WOCA Agenda Book (if submitted by print deadline)
- Company logo listed on WOCA website with a link to company homepage
- Company name on signage at WOCA
- Company name in WOCA Agenda Book (if submitted by print deadline)
- Quarter-page ad in WOCA Agenda Book (if submitted by print deadline)
- Rights to use WOCA’s name in your company’s promotions
New Reception Sponsorship Opportunities Coming Soon!
- Contact Aysia Turber to discuss your own custom sponsorship package! Here are some ideas:
- Platinum Reception Sponsor – $17,500 (Monday and Wednesday evening available)
- Gold Breakfast Sponsor – $8,000 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings available)
- Gold Student Lunch Sponsor – $8,000
- Palladium Beverage Break Sponsor – $4,000 (Tuesday and Wednesday am/pm or Thursday am available)
- Palladium Happy Hour Reception at Poster Session – $5,000
- Silver Mobile App Advertisement – $2,500
- Silver Hotel Key Cards or Door Hangers – $1,500 (+cost to produce/execute)
- Additional Logo Placement Opportunities – $1,000 (+cost to produce/execute) *available as add-on for packages listed above, not for individual sale*
- Bronze Support Student Travel to WOCA – $1,000 (Sponsor of the Student Lunch)
We are open to other suggestions as well!
Additional Information
- Payment must be in U.S. Dollars.
- Make check payable to ACAA.
- Payment may be made by credit card or ACH/Wire.
Date | Task | Description |
March 25, 2026 | Sponsor Ad Art is Due | If qualified sponsors want personalized AD art in the agenda book, it is due this date. |
March 25, 2026 | Exhibitor/Sponsor Form and Payment Due | Exhibit registration/payment must be received in order to be published in the WOCA Agenda Book that is given to each attendee. Sponsor payment must be received in order to be published in the WOCA Agenda Book that is given to each attendee. |
April 1, 2026 | “Early-Bird” Registration Ends | All Attendees MUST register on or before this date to take advantage of the lower registration fee. |
May 4, 2026 | Exhibit Set-up | Exhibit Set-up from noon to 5:00pm |
May 4-6, 2026 | WOCA 2026 Conference Exhibits are Open |
Exhibit take down on May 6, 2026, 4pm |
Aysia Thurber
9980 S 300 W
Suite 200
Sandy, UT 84070
(385) 315-2402
E-mail: aysia@wardo.com